Pirates are treasure-thirsty criminals that would do anything to get their way, even if it meant killing someone or sawing off a finger.
Most people think, when they hear the word "pirate" they think of pirates as handsome, eye patched , wooden legged, and have hooks as hands but as this may have been true sometimes most pirates are dirty and smelly. Many people turned to piracy for many reasons maybe because they were dirt poor, mistreated, and runaways.Many pirates were men but a couple of women were on the ships too. The most well known women pirates are Mary Read and Anne Bonny. The only way women could get aboard is by acting and dressing like a man.
Pirate captains needed about 200 men or more to run a ship because many of them were expected to die on sea from battle or deadly sicknesses.Scurvy, was one of the most common disease on the sea, it is from lacking vitamin C which is in fruits and vegetables. If a pirate is caught not much hope is left for him or her. They will most likely be hanged to death or if they can pursue the judge that the were forced into piracy then they would most likely dropped from the hook aka spared.There were many infamous pirates that ruled the sea and we will talk about two of the most mighty pirates in history.
Black Bart, the most successful buccaneer of the (2) Golden Age of pirates,
started off as simply John Roberts. Before his swashbuckler days, Roberts
served in the navy for a quarter of a century, and was paid only 3 dollars a
month, a pitiful payment. He ended his 25 year navy job because of his
low wage and instead joined the crew of the Princess as 3rd mate. The Princess
was a slave-ship. John Roberts’s life on the slave-ship isn't extremely
recorded of except one thing. One day, the Princess was overtaken by pirates.
After snatching the Princess's hearty treasures and goods, the
successful pirates gave the sailors the choice to either die, or join the crew as
another pirate. John Roberts pointedly refused the offer. The pirates, who
observed him as a needed person, forced Roberts into piracy.
John Roberts dressed
up his name a little by changing it to a more ferocious (Barth-all-a-mew)
Roberts when he unwillingly joined the pirate crew which would be his
home for the next four years to come. He proved to be an excellent pirate and
his shipmates elected him new captain after only six weeks of life aboard the
pirate ship. The last pirate captain died in a recent battle. Captain Roberts
was a positively unique captain. Oddly, Bartholomew was not a fan of alcohol;
he preferred a gallon of spiced tea, sipped from pretty, stolen teacups.
He was most-likely the only teetotaler pirate ever, which made him very
different from his often-drunk crew. Considered a gentleman, Roberts held
peaceful Sunday services which were enjoyed by the crew. Also to attain order,
the captain carefully penned the "Pirate Articles." Those set
of rules were to be much-used by other pirates after Roberts put pen to paper.
He was able to construct the pirate articles because he had been
unusually educated to read and write. Bartholomew's successes mount up to 470
captured ships and all the treasure totals to over 50 million dollars worth of
coins, gems, and goods, including (2) the ships. About 4 years that took.
The successful pirate
ships that captured those treasures are all fringed with at least one
terrifying flag. One of Robert's two flags sports a pirate grinding two skulls
beneath his feet and the right arm grasps a deadly sword. This is his
Robert's treasure-hunting life ended completely when
he was brought down by a grape cannon. A grape cannon is a regular cannon
loaded with small balls bunched together to form a sort of clump which
resembled a bunch of grapes. These (2) metal nuggets struck his neck leaving it
somewhat sieve-like. After the famous pirate's death, people granted him the
name Black Bart. The reason for that names is because of his dark hair
and skin, instead of his gruesome tortures which most people would think
was the reason that name was given to him. The result is everyone now
recognizes John Roberts, a studious, quiet man as the evil, torturous, pirate,
Black Bart. There is a chance, however, that Black Bart was not a man at all.
Black Bart's face was always clean-shaven without a trace of a beard. Also he
insisted on complete privacy, an unusual request. In preparation for his death,
he told his crew to directly toss him overboard instead of usually sewing the
body up in his hammock. If that's true, the most successful pirate ever in the
world could have been a woman.
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